Barr View Primary & Nursery Academy

Barr View Primary & Nursery Academy

  1. About
  2. Trustees & Governance
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Board of Trustees

Welcome to the section of our website where you can find out about our Trustees and the work that they do.

Trustees have a crucial role helping the school’s leadership team in promoting the highest standards of educational achievement. Our fundamental purpose is school improvement. Trustees act as a’ Critical Friend’ to the school, working in partnership with the school community to help provide the best possible education for our pupils.

Ofsted 2009 said,  “ The well informed Governing Body (Board of Trustees) provides good support to the school and is not afraid to challenge the leaders’ decisions”

What do trustees do?

They are all volunteers from the local community who meet to:

Set the school’s values, vision and strategic aims, together with the Head Teacher they set the future direction for the school and decide how the school’s budget should be spent.

Monitor and evaluate performance targets, school policies and the School Improvement Plan. Appoint the Head Teacher and the Deputy Head Teacher of the school. Respect the Head Teacher’s position as professional leader of the school, providing support and advice in management of the school. Ensure that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to the local community, to those who fund it, as well as to the staff it employs.

Who sits on our Board of Trustees? Co-opted Trustees - Appointed based on skill set and academy requirements. Community Trustee - appointed by the Governing Body. Parent Trustee - elected by and from the parents Staff Trustee - elected by and from the staff The Head teacher

Our Board of Trustees

The responsibilities of the Board of Trustees are shared among committees and working parties to allow greater focus. These are Finance and Staffing, Buildings and Maintenance including Health and Safety, Learning and Teaching, Marketing, and Special Educational Needs. All committees report to the main Board of Trustees. Trustees also serve on: Appointments, Staffing, Disciplinary and Appeals panels

Below you will find a list of the members of our Board of Trustees. They are available if you wish to discuss a matter of importance relating to the school. We are always willing to listen to parents, teachers and pupils, but please respect the need for the Board of Trustees to act collectively in consultation with the school’s leadership team and don’t expect an immediate response from an individual Trustee.

If you would like to be a Trustee we would be happy to talk to you about how and when you can be elected or appointed. You can also be involved without being a Trustee. We often need expert help on a wide range of matters. We are always happy to hear from parents/carers who feel they can help.

  • Mrs. Karen Davis - (Chair of Trustees)
  • Ms. Claire Jones - (Vice Chair of Trustees)
  • Ms. Rhiannon Suttle (Head Teacher)
  • Mrs. Heather Farmer – Staff Trustee
  • Mrs. Kate Morris - Community Trustee
  • Miss Devia Surti – Community Trustee
  • Mr. Peter Watts – Community Trustee (Resigned 12.09.2024)
  • Mrs. Cheryl Butler – Community Trustee
  • Mrs. Shanita Allen – Parent Trustee
  • Mr. James Tippins - Parent Trustee
  • Mrs. Charlotte Hooper - Staff Trustee
  • Miss Laura Cross - Staff Trustee

Mr. Craig Addison – School Business Manager

Mr. Chris Osborn – Clerk


Our 24-25 Pecuniary interest declaration process will be taking place in Autumn 1 and all records are held by our clerk and can be requested for review at any time by emailing 

Click on the text / images below to be review some useful school governance websites.